My name is Marcus, PY2PLL/PY3CRX. Located GG66rf. We're not alowed to use LW
frequencies - yet - but I've been monitoring from 1Hz to 525KHz for a while.
I asked last year a special authorization to our telecom authorities to use
135 ... 138 KHz but no answers yet.
Planning some tests on 6 ... 9 KHz so (with PY2NI, 25km from here).
I'm able to detect most of the utilities above 10KHz - and ZEVS on 82Hz as
well - running available FFT softwares. Uses a MC1496 based VLF to HF
converter, 2.5MHz LO (25MHz tcxo divided by 10) and Kachina 505 DSP.
Antennas are a 160m long unterminated beverage "beaming" 42 degree (Europe),
a 35 meter self supported tower, an inverted vee 80m dipole (switchable to a
33m vertical + top loading) and some loops, multiturn, shielded or not.
That's it. Hope to log some of you one day :o)
S. B. do Campo - GG66rf
Active from "DC" to 24GHz