I think that Stewart has an excellent idea here.
Martin Evans GW3UCJ
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stewart Bryant" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: LF: Splitting the reflector.
How about in the short term we agree to put an unambiguous marker
in the subject line for the high tech postings (ie [TECH]) and then
subscribers who do not want to see the postings can filter them straight
to the bit bucket.
Stewart G3YSX
Vincent Ferme wrote:
> Group,
> My preference is that we continue using this mailing list for all LF
> topics. I remember the QRP group going through the same debate no once
but a
> couple of times in the recent past. Other QRP mailing lists have been
> but they failed to solve the perceived problems. They actually caused
> problems for people that did not want to miss anything and subscribed to
> them and ended up having to deal with lots of cross-posted messages.
> Respectfully submitted.
> 73 de Vince, VA3VF.