Looks like we have 'beacon bedlam' at the moment, just come back into the
shack, and g3vev is now on 503.6 , as it looks like every one is using a pc
to genarate the keying signal. instead of blanked requests for 'Asylam'
keeping on the bealam theam.....
Why not just do it properly and allocate one frequency and time slots .. im
sure there is someone who could come up with a bit of code to lock the
keyer to the pc clock .
I can see repetitive traces on , 501.28, 501.5, 503.5, 503.8 .. if we
where all 'timed' the tx times could be shorter and I and everyone ealse
would know what we where looking at, .. and that would leave vast areas of
the band free .... for those of us who are experimenting with data
transmission !
G .. :-)