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LF: Re: RE: 500 acty

To: <>
Subject: LF: Re: RE: 500 acty
From: "mal hamilton" <>
Date: Sat, 7 Aug 2010 12:18:19 +0100
References: <000a01cb3607$800dcc50$0301a8c0@your91hoehfy9g> <00bd01cb3617$16a215e0$0217aac0@desktop>
Another amateur I know with a plasma tv wipes his radio activities totally out, avoid these TV'S.
What is happening on 8.97 this weekend
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2010 10:57 AM
Subject: LF: RE: 500 acty

Dear All,


CW activity too down south with our ?wet strings?.   G3XIZ and G7NKS in QSO.  I copied you too Mal but could not get a full decode with DM780.  You were about 579 with me but were blocked by LP interference (Lounge plasma!)





With best regards






Dr. James Cowburn



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From: [] On Behalf Of mal hamilton
Sent: 07 August 2010 09:07
To: rsgb
Subject: LF: 500 acty


MF grp

Active in QSO mode this morning PE5T, G3DXZ es G3KEV


73 Mal/g3kev


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