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To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: LF: Re: Fw: TA CONDX/QSO
From: "mal hamilton" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 18:09:15 -0000
References: <002701ccbf2c$961a3d30$0401a8c0@xphd97xgq27nyf><001b01ccbf47$caa361b0$0401a8c0@xphd97xgq27nyf><[email protected]><000f01ccbfc0$412f59b0$0401a8c0@xphd97xgq27nyf><[email protected]><000f01ccbfef$75078da0$0401a8c0@xphd97xgq27nyf> <> <000f01ccbff9$426c2f90$0401a8c0@xphd97xgq27nyf> <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
I had a QSO with EW6GB years ago
You cannot hear me, or anyone else on CW with your micro ferrite rod.
Beacon mode especially QRS 60 - 6000  is so easy but QSO CW needs an expert.
To answer your question I have worked over 35 countries on LF CW
 Concentrate on your RX antenna and the Euro
By all means get a FILTER that only allows BEACON QRS6000 hardly state of the art communications when the rest of the world is moving at MEGABYTES
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: LF: Re: Fw: TA CONDX/QSO

That is grumpy OT stuff!! Just reflecting these OLD times? They are GONE!!! GONE, GONE, GONE!

Focus on the presence and the future and do something useful with your time and transmitter!

You go to bed when the band is opening for TA.

Fractions of your signal are visible in the US in a QRSS-60 window but you daily complain to the US stations that they do no CW QSO with you.

You say you are in "QSO" mode and QSX 7033 kHz but do not even hear DL7ET, not even VE2IQ.

You take the time to complain about beacon mode while EW6GB is calling CQ in QSO mode.

A LF stations seems to become uninteresting once you worked it and placed the checkmark beside the call in the logbook.

All the time that nerving CW. When was you last real CW QSO and who was the other station? Me? I mean a real CW LF/LF QSO!

That is a poor and sad show what you present us here each day. Really not motivating for newcomers, newcomers on the band and on this group.

I've often got the suggestion from others to install a [email protected]  email filter, like they did. I think its time to really think about that!


Am 21.12.2011 16:57, schrieb mal hamilton:
It was all CW in the beginning
There was some QRS QSO'S taking place
A lot of stn around EU that ultimately became active
The band was humming at one time
Nearly every night that I was active in those days
Like I have said before the procedure these days has completely changed

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