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LF: SV: LF Activity

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: SV: LF Activity
From: "Johan Bodin" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 11:12:05 +0200
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Hi Marzio and the group

Marzio I5MXX wrote:

Later at 136.15 I made qso with OZ1KMR ; his report was 539 with deep qsb. First I to OZ on LF?

I heard your QSO with OZ1KMR here in JO67MR. Your signal was difficult
to copy because of my bad antenna and QRN but I did copy your callsign.
It would have been easy to catch you on QRSS.

OZ1KMR had the strongest amateur signal I have ever heard on LF.
I have no accurate S/N figure but, on Spectrogram, the CW was red on
dark blue background ;-)

73 de Johan Bodin, SM6LKM

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