> A very interesting circuit concept - I hadn't heard the term
> "augmentation" before. (It looks to have something in common - and
> completely turned upside down - with the bootstrapping technique used
> to increase the input resistance of emitter follower stages)
> But, looking at the circuit of the preamp in Figure 6, I'm wondering
> if, instead of what is virtually two independent input stages, with
> their own separate transformers, you considered a differential
> push-pull feedback as a single entity. Have a centre tapped
> secondary in the bases (with the centre tap to AC ground), but with
> the primary connected between the two emitters, ie directly across the
> loop input.
> The two input transistors now operate in true differential mode,
> rather than as mostly-independent amplifier stages, and with only one
> feedback transformer, complexity and wire losses are reduced. This
> will give even more decoupling of the loop from ground.
That results in far higher distortion as the emitter signal voltages are
not symmetrical, and you cannot force them to be.
Chris Trask
Senior Member IEEE