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LF: RE: Re: Rugby - Anthorn

To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: RE: Re: Rugby - Anthorn
From: "John W Gould" <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 19 May 2007 09:36:12 +0100
Delivered-to: [email protected]
Importance: Normal
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
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Sender: [email protected]
I didn't take much interest in this thread until I realised that my MSF
clock was free-wheeling.  I've had to find a new position and orientation
for it in order for it to lock onto the Anthorn signal.  This seems to be
rather difficult and intermittent.  So much for the claim of a good coverage
across the UK.   

My QTH is about 30 miles south of Rugby (so no trouble there) but I guess
180 - 200 miles from Anthorn.  I can see a "dissaffected from Newport
Pagnell" letter being drafted before too long to the operator.

73 John, G3WKL

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Alberto di Bene
Sent: 17 May 2007 18:03
To: LF Mailing List
Cc: Alan Melia
Subject: LF: Re: Rugby - Anthorn

Hi Alan,

  I have measured the response of the S-meter of my R-75 at 60 kHz, using a
W&G level generator and a Hatfield 
attenuator I had bought on eBay some time ago.

At 60 kHz, you need a signal of -67 dBm to have an indication of S9 on the
receiver. To bring it down to S3, I had to 
insert using the Hatfield attenuator 17 dB of attenuation. So much for the
linearity of S-meters...

So, for what this test is worth, apparently at my location Anthorn seems to
be about 17 dB weaker than Rugby. The test 
is not much scientific, as I didn't take note in the past of the time of the
day when I took the S9 reading, nor of its 
repeatability, but as a ballpark indication maybe it can say something.

73  Alberto  I2PHD

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