- Re: LF: CQ F4DTL 476,150 QRSS3 this evening, (continued)
- Re: LF: CQ F4DTL 476,150 QRSS3 this evening, F4DTL
- LF: CQ F4DTL 476,150 QRSS3 this evening, F4DTL
- LF: QRSS3 and CW 477.7 kHz Tonight, jcraig
- LF: RE: QRSS3 and CW 477.7 kHz Tonight, Clemens Paul
- Re: LF: QRSS3 and CW 477.7 kHz Tonight, wolf_dl4yhf
- Re: LF: QRSS3 and CW 477.7 kHz Tonight, jcraig
- Re: LF: QRSS3 and CW 477.7 kHz Tonight, wolf_dl4yhf
- [rsgb_lf_group] Re: LF: QRSS3 and CW 477.7 kHz Tonight, wolf_dl4yhf
- Re: LF: QRSS3 and CW 477.7 kHz Tonight, jcraig
- Re: LF: QRSS3 and CW 477.7 kHz Tonight,
Victor <=
- Re: LF: QRSS3 and CW 477.7 kHz Tonight, jcraig
- LF: SV8CS qrss-10 qso, SV8CS- Spiros Chimarios
- Re: LF: SV8CS qrss-10 qso, Stefan Schäfer
- Re: LF: SV8CS qrss-10 qso, Mike Dennison
- LF: G3XDV -SV8CS qrss-10 qso, SV8CS- Spiros Chimarios
- LF: SQ5BPF-F5WK MF, Stefan Schäfer
- LF: SXV off?, Markus Vester
- LF: SXV off?, SV8CS- Spiros Chimarios
- Re: LF: SXV off?, Markus Vester
- Re: LF: SXV off?, Stefan Schäfer