To All from PA0SE
John, G4CNN, wrote:
Hi Andy,
1) When you state that the Radiation Resistance of a loop antenna is
proportional to the square of its Area, you are of course quoting the
accepted formula, but you will remember that Prof. Mike Underhill
this formula in his talk at Windsor. Unfortunately I have not yet managed
find this talk published anywhere.
After Mike's talk I had a discussion with him and told him about
Q-measurements on loops made in The Netherlands. He was very interested and
at his request I have sent him the publication with the measurement results
(Mike can read Dutch, having worked with Philips at Eindhoven for some
time). I also asked him for a copy of the table presented at the end of his
talk that gave the startling results of his new theory so I could use it for
a write-up in our VERON magazine Electron. But I neither received
confirmation he had received my mail nor the table ... Could it be some
flaw has afterwards been detected in the new theory?
73, Dick, PA0SE