Hi Uwe...Phew that is a relief I wasn't too happy about my diagnosis anyway,
and the linearity nullified it as an opton.
Well Done, I do like it when you solve a problem and do actually know what
caused it. I used to have a pernickity tech working with me who used to
replace the removed "faulty" component when the set worked ok, to see if the
fault returned ! He wasn't really happy until it was pinned down and set in
concrete. We used to see very few of these repaired units in the workshop
again. The ones I dont like are the ones that just "go away" and you cant
get them back. Its then either a lot of soak testing or use the customer as
the tester.
Good LF DX !!
Cheers de Alan G3NYK
----- Original Message -----
From: <uwe-jannsen@versanet.de>
To: <rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org>
Sent: 18 February 2007 19:22
Subject: Re: LF: Re: Sine or not
Hi Jeff, hi Alan,
sri for being so late with the response.
> I use 54�H air coils
Jeff, here are two 54�H ring core coils in use. they did and do a good job
up to 1kW output.
> What is it like a lower power levels ??
Alan, it was all the same, 10W or 800W.
> what if there is insulator leakage
to find the defect I connected a aerial dummy to the end of the feeder (80m
long) in the first step: all the same! second ?accidentally- step: I
moved the phasemeter somewhat ? surprise: sines like they have to be on the
I am ashamed to tell you that inside the phasemeter (homebrew) a ?naked-
touched the case.
thanks for the hints and best regards