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LF: Re: PhaseScope beta 1.0 release...

To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: Re: PhaseScope beta 1.0 release...
From: "Peter Martinez" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 19:14:25 -0000
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From G3PLX:

Just a couple of words about the PhaseScope program that Scott VE7TIL has written, and the ClickLock technique at the heart of it. Some of this repeats earlier postings, but I thought it might be worth summarising it again.

The Clicklock technique stems from my observation that if I connect the 1Hz pulse output of my GPS to my LF receiver, I can hear a repeating pair of clicks at 1 sec intervals which are the high-order harmonics of the fast edges of this pulse. Not only does this give me a precise time reference which I can use if I want to do precision off-air timing measurements, but if I feed the audio clicks to a phase-comparator, I can see the phase rotating slowly with time. The rate of rotation is the 'beat-note' between my receiver frequency and the nearest whole Hz. This 1Hz, coming from the GPS module, is effectively derived from the most accurate source on the planet (or at least orbitting the planet). Not only is it stable in frequency but it can be used as a universal reference for phase measurement on any frequency. If I use that to lock the software, I can then demodulate incoming signals in such a way that ALL the residual frequency and phase drift of the receiver is cancelled completely. If I tune-in a signal which is also locked to GPS, and the propagation is stable, there will be no frequency error and no phase drift. At all. Ever.

Scott has implemented this so that the received signal is displayed on what we have christened an integrating vectorscope. This displays the signal phase and amplitude simultaneously on a circular display. With no signal, a dot appears in the centre of the display. If there is some noise present, the dot moves randomly. With the program set to receive on a specific GPS-locked frequency (which you can enter to as many decimal places of a Hz as you like), if there is a signal on that frequency, the dot will start moving off centre in a particular direction, this direction depending on the RF phase of the signal relative to the GPS reference. The weaker is the signal, the slower will the dot move, but, so long as the signal doesn't change it's phase, there is NO LIMIT to how low in signal level you could go. This is what we loosely refer to as 'coherent reception'.

For example, I could set the program to the frequency of a LORAN line from a local transmitter (<1000km), and the dot will move off towards the edge of the scope. The program is locked to GPS, the LORAN transmitter is stable in phase, so the direction of movement of the dot (the RF phase of the received signal) always stays the same. If I repeated the experiment on another day I would get exactly the same phase reading. I could have left the system on all day and detected a signal 24 times weaker than if I had left it running for an hour. If I move 1/4 wavelength closer to the transmitter I would see the phase change by 90 degrees, even if I switched-off the receiver and the computer completely during the move.

This opens up an awesome set of possibilities for really weak-signal reception. Many transmitting stations are already able to transmit phase-locked to GPS. This technique means we can explore all the possibilities for coherent transmission and reception, with just an LF receiver which is already stable to 1Hz, and a GPS module with a 1Hz output. Scott's program is just an appetizer. Both he and I will make this technique available to anyone wishing to develope it for amateur use.


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