Ed and others LF enthusiasts,
Confirming our interest in trying for one-way and two-way contacts on LF
with the UA9OC DXpedition. I am in private contact with Ed and we have a
provisional schedule for UA9OC and ZL6QH transmission on Friday 14 March and
Saturday 15 March. Results of UA9OC beacon tests on 12 March (QRSS120) and
13 March (QRSS60) influence what dot length will be used for UA9OC
transmission in an attempted two-way QSO with ZL6QH. ZL6QH will use
137.7887/137.7891 kHz DFCW with 120 second dot length (as per previous
beacon tests).
It is expected that the transmission schedule for UA9OC and ZL6QH will be
posted to the reflector once it has been decided what dot length should be
used by ZL9OC. We are hoping to acquire an adequate supply of midnight oil
for the occasion.
73, Bob ZL2CA