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LF: Re: Whole house EMC/I filtering

To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: Re: Whole house EMC/I filtering
From: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 07:39:21 -0400
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=q20121106; t=1371123561; bh=iIwdbZuiLzjJ/qN93K+Su73KsrOrXMtIkRIzAt9m+dM=; h=Received:Received:Message-ID:From:To:Subject:Date:MIME-Version: Content-Type; b=BoOvOEnU72W0TFlC38E5IxZNvkF5p2D5r4H9QWmKUr+oWlgTWimutVPqWr57zbHFD YZKOq+jIl5cPKvqX3dQV55I88sm0A8zGXq0rYZdtz0W+AN/ZeBQaz4oalE9kuycC44 2gZFbUQIm0fhnpmi/sPVgRmQypEcn2htUcPYEk5Zx7lQYh3CBB+JgGaTBXlwcR0Vbc NskcIl4DQkrKgQZTl1CtuHjR32r/4nJo77XKz9PKbRQB06x/hCzvkA/yClZ4tQXA/c LBnf1THuunMJDygHi2og1AexmXDg2O2L9gX/8qi+SRiKVqvU+wVMQRheXLP1c8AkKX D7w0zDINeIpBA==
References: <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Would like more info on the filters as well as performance.
Guess the best arrangement would be to go directly from the meter into a separate box that houses a 'mains' breaker and the filters ... then out of that box into the existing 'mains' and 'sub' breaker box ... with no sharing of conduit. What config are those filters? Have often eyed the large isolation transformers for sale on ebay for potential use as a ' whole house' filter. Would be interesting to compare the effectiveness of various types. 
Jay W1VD  WD2XNS  WE2XGR/2     
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 12:39 AM
Subject: LF: Whole house EMC/I filtering

Up here in Alaska I can finally announce Spring is here as the last of the snow melted in the garden today and 812 squadron Mosquito command has air superiority. We are effectively at 24 hours daylight so Dx on MF and LF is sparser than winter...

Ive had a project to clear which has been with me for 4 years and that is to clean up the incoming and outgoing 2 phase AC mains connection to reduce the conducted noise into the house wiring and what ever I do here is fairly 'blocked" to some extent to the outside world - ie the NSA snooping on my AC supply :-)

Shows the ongoing installation of 2 x (up to) 3 phase 200A Corcom filters - one for my emergency 100A board (with Gen bypass) and the other for non-essentials.  The system is now live and I can tell you my general reception of 'mains" borne conduction QRM is lower, but I have some work to quantify the overall results. Its not perfect as I do have a little 'C and L" as Im using the same input and output Galv pipe for all the conductors but in real terms the insertion losses are going to be respectable.

Just thought Id share

Laurence KL1 X  WE2 XPQ (about to change callsigns again to confuse)
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