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LF: Freq stability, cheap source of

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Freq stability, cheap source of
From: "Larry Kayser" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 09:53:47 -0500
References: <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Greetings All:

There is a very cheap source of very high stability reference available to
everyone.  It is the 1 PPS from almost any second hand OEM level GPS
receiver.  I have one here that cost $20 US$, about the size of what we once
called a penny folder of paper matches.  I did a little poking around on the
Internet over a year ago and found a chap selling Garmin GPS OEM Model 20
and 25 units complete with the external connector.  The unit I have here
runs happily on 5V.  The removal of selective availability (SA) last year
means only the 5% of the time basic jitter is left, references are possible
to stabilities in a few parts in 10 - 11th.

Brooks Shera published an excellent article in QST on "disciplining" a
frequency standard to the GPS 1 PPS signal.


Hope this might help some find a way to improve stability on LF


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