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LF: DX Cluster spots for 24/25 Feb at GB7DXM

To: "LF-Group" <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: DX Cluster spots for 24/25 Feb at GB7DXM
From: "Alan Melia" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 23:22:50 -0000
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Hi all there seems to be a fair bit of activity this weekend. I have heard
DJ9IE and EI0CF on the speaker most days this last week. I also remember
hearing an unfamiliar call-sign this weekend, G8TB (559) who was calling
G4XAT who I could not hear.
Has anyone worked EA yet??

G3NYK de GB7MRS 25-Feb-2001 2224Z >
  136.5  F6BWO       25-Feb-2001 1936Z  calling ok1dtn
  136.5  OK1DTN      25-Feb-2001 1918Z  549 pse lsn QRPP abt 2 W Inp
  136.4  OK1DTN      25-Feb-2001 1614Z  589!
  136.4  PA0BWL      25-Feb-2001 1343Z  539 cq
  136.4  OK1DTN      25-Feb-2001 1141Z  cq
  136.8  OK1DTN      25-Feb-2001 1140Z  519 cq
  136.6  OK1DTN      25-Feb-2001 1127Z  559 cq
  136.0  OE5ODL      25-Feb-2001 1102Z  cq
  136.7  DJ1ZB       25-Feb-2001 1100Z  cq
  136.5  OK1DTN      25-Feb-2001 1049Z  in qso with g3yxm
  137.7  DK8KW       25-Feb-2001 0948Z  cq qrss
  137.7  DJ5AO       25-Feb-2001 0943Z  cq qrss
  136.5  DJ7RD       25-Feb-2001 0927Z  599 cq
  136.4  DJ7RD       25-Feb-2001 0926Z  cq 579
  136.5  DF0WD       24-Feb-2001 1351Z  519 - first LF station i
  136.5  G3XDV       24-Feb-2001 1351Z  clg cq 569 in JO42
  137.4  DIGI        24-Feb-2001 1343Z  someone testing new FSK mode
  136.5  PA0SE       24-Feb-2001 1336Z  clg cq
  136.7  OH1BS       24-Feb-2001 1329Z  clg cq 559 in JO42
  136.7  DF0WD       24-Feb-2001 1250Z  559 qso with oh1bs 429
  136.9  F6BWO       24-Feb-2001 1057Z  439 cq
  136.8  G3ZES       23-Feb-2001 2334Z  are you there Sir ?
  136.6  OK1RP       23-Feb-2001 2324Z  Cross from 3.567,TU to
  136.2  DJ9IE       23-Feb-2001 2314Z  55 also M0BMU 57
  136.4  DJ9IE       23-Feb-2001 2257Z  still 559 in JN69VB.
  136.4  F6BWO       23-Feb-2001 2230Z  with Ulrich, DJ9IE.
  136.7  OK1DWF      23-Feb-2001 2159Z  clg CQ...(449 in JN69VB)
  136.4  OH1TN       23-Feb-2001 2154Z  called by DJ9IE...
  136.4  DJ9IE       23-Feb-2001 1906Z  559 cq
  136.7  DL3FDO      23-Feb-2001 1905Z  579 cq
G3NYK de GB7MRS 25-Feb-2001 2225Z >

Cheers de Alan G3NYK
[email protected]

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  • LF: DX Cluster spots for 24/25 Feb at GB7DXM, Alan Melia <=