I heard PA0A but you were nulled out broadside to my loop antenna, I did
expect to hear something from you but NIL
The other nite I copied DK7FC audible but G3XDV was barely visible again to
my South. This loop is vy sharp which surprises me considering its size.
Had I used my normal TX inv L for RX also, you would have been good copy
but it is arranged only for TX at present.
----- Original Message -----
From: "James Moritz" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 8:35 PM
Subject: LF: Re: cq 136.6
> Dear Albert, Mal, LF Group,
> Thanks to PA0A for the short QSO - the QRN level rose rapidly as it got
> dark, making copy quite difficult.
> I also saw a fragment of what looked like SMT-Hell or something similar at
> about 1859utc, but it was too short to see what it was.
> G3KEV wrote:
> >Nw CQ 136.5 for past 15 mins and nil hrd so far
> I called you a couple of times, but no response - you really must get that
> receiver sorted out Mal ;-)
> Cheers, Jim Moritz
> 73 de M0BMU