After the initial 2200m QSO with VE7TIL at 50km, I ran the QRSS beacon all
night (during auroral condx) and received my first DX report from Dale in
southern Oregon:
Noting the mileage between our respective locations, if I were
located in Southern England, the report would be the equivalent of being
heard in S. France, N. Italy, Switzerland, central Germany, Scotland,
Ireland, Denmark, Holland, Slovakia or Belgium! Wow!
Checking the distance between myself and the nearest other 'workable'
Canadian station (Mitch VE3OT) would be the equivalent of 'G' to E. Turkey,
Egypt, Iran, Syria or Lebanon...ouch! This will be a challenge with backyard
antennas. I was able to read Larry VA3LK when he was beaconing for ZL and
that was a healthy KW+ with a big antenna. It looks like Mitch and I have
our work cut out for us. Better blow the dust off of that G0MRF amplifier
Mitch :-)
Steve / VE7SL / CN88
Mayne Island, BC