Surprised at poor s/n (-46 dBOp) on initial decode ... maybe we're in a fade.
Progress monitored at :
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stefan Schäfer" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 9:36 PM
Subject: Re: LF: T/A OPDS DK7FC
Correction: Markus created a special file for me which makes the ramp
time shorter than 1 ms. So now my PA can send OPDS with Markus' software
and i am on air in this mode tonite until 06:15 UTC.
Maybe you can detect me?
73, Stefan/DK7FC
Am 18.10.2013 02:56, schrieb Stefan Schäfer:
Hi Jay,
I wanted to give it a try tonite. First i wanted to use DF6NM's OPDS software which i would really
prefer over the ROS-OP stuff. But then i found that the sndoutpt.exe creates a ramp in the audio
tone. My FETs didn't like that at all, they made a crrrk at the beginning and end of each dash.
This is because the audio passes a comparator which makes a clear hard keyed tone for the mixer
which keys the IXDD414 anyway. FETs survived but it showed that i need to do hardware
modifications if i want to use Markus' tool.
In WSPR-15 it may be the same but then it is just 4 times per hour and in OP32
is is much more.
Then i installed the standard Opera program which i find very annoying. It is not even possible to
select a TXD line of the RS232 which i normally use for PTT. When using the standard program i'm
generating the tone with SpecLab (on the "LF TX PC") and key the PTT with the program (on the
"LF/MF RX/TX PC"). Didn't work :-/ Soldered arround to use RTS instead. PTT was keyed when
pressing the tune button and released when pressing it again, as intended. But then, when pressing
"Beacon", the PTT was key down, permanent tone.
Need a VOX or so...
So i can do no OPDS tests tonite, sorry.
73, Stefan/DK7FC
PS: I'll continue with DFCW-90 now!
Am 17.10.2013 18:00, schrieb [email protected]:
Wasn't expecting you to start transmitting OPDS today ... just a thought for the future. But if
you want to, that's okay too.
OPDS32 is capable of of decoding at about -50 dB s/n (relative to SSB
Your call and grid is easily added at the receiving end.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Stefan Schäfer"
<[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: LF: T/A OPDS DK7FC
PS: Jay, Markus,
What is the S/N performance of OPDS compared to WSPR-15 (apart from the
fact that the callsigns must be known in advance and that there is less
information into one sequence) ??
73, Stefan
Am 17.10.2013 16:55, schrieb Stefan Schäfer:
Am 17.10.2013 14:36, schrieb [email protected]:
Several stations on this end are now set up to receive OP Deep Search ... including Garry K3SIW
in IL. Being that far inland is quite a disadvantage for T/A signal reception compared to
'coastal' stations.
Garry got several WSPR-15 decodes of me last season, so i think he could make it in OPDS as
On my end I'm interested to see if it's possible to roll back the earliest T/A reception times
(current best of about 2045Z mid season). There are probably other 'unknowns' waiting to be
discovered along the way ;~) .
OK, i can give it a try. Not sure if i can make it today arround 20 UTC but i
will try.
Am i already included in the OPDS list as a possible station?
73, Stefan/DK7FC