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LF: 500khz WSPR

To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: 500khz WSPR
From: "g3zjo" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 31 May 2010 19:08:14 +0100
Importance: Normal
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]

Oops, sorry guys, a red face here, 500k has not been open to EU today, I have been reporting 28MHz Spots wrongly. I have been busy in the garden but that is no excuse for not checking earlier.


However, now for the excuse, WSPR2 defaulted to 500kHz it was on 28MHz yesterday when I was RX’ing, AFTER I changed the band, it had defaulted to 50MHz then, WSPR2 just does not do that does it ?  You bet old Bills software can cause it to.


As for the database I am sure the scrubber will spot the error and delete the Spots 1) only me reporting 2) only one way 3) unlikely results.


I will just go and hide now.




Eddie G3ZJO


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