With the kind help of John Davis, we have generated a list of the 4000+
Loran-C lines between 135.7 and 137.8 kHz that are generated by the 12 North
American chains. Several versions of the list have been posted at:
For those with sufficient Internet pipes, I'd suggest looking at the "big"
version, as it has built-in links to site information for the various
chains. Smaller text-only versions are posted there, as well. This might be
an item that you'd want to download and save locally for quick reference.
John has agreed to keep the various versions on the LWCA site for the time
being, but we may winnow out the lesser used alternatives later on.
Please don't be discouraged by the number of lines. No one of us can see
that many! The list may be useful in identifying some of the garbage you DO
see, however. Enjoy.
John Andrews, W1TAG