Dear all.
It's very frustrating not to be able to see anything through the Rugby shash
so I hope I didn't tread on anyone elses toes! I did manage to work Reino
OH1TN crossband to 137.7 at about the time you heard me Alan....
I think Peter worked him first.
I don't suppose we can expect to work any further!
By the way, if we could produce similar radiated powers on both bands,
surely 73k would go further? Therefore, allowing for the fact that my erp on
73k is a quarter of what it is on 136, would there be a distance at which
the signal strength is similar? I imagine this would be true except for the
large amount of QSB we get at the far distances.
73. Dave G3YXM.
Hi all, nice QRS signals from Dave G3YXM and Jim M0BMU at about 2230z
tonight....but I suppose this is superfluous as they are probably both
working 1500kms+ crossband now!!