Hi All
Some stores have a variety of buckets/baskets
varying in diameter from a few inches to 15 inches and depth up to 15 inches or
more. These devices are sturdy and slotted or at least 50% cut out making good
semi air spaced coil formers for LF, much more efficient than any solid plastic
type former. These baskets can also be stacked and used in series for those that
need more inductance.
The smaller ones fit inside the larger ones and
make good variometers.
I got mine from the £ stretcher shop for 90 pence
each !!!! There are various colours but I use white when possible and so far no
melt down or signs of distortion due to high RF voltages.
They make a tidy job, look good.
For insulators that will withstand high RF voltages
and only cost a few pence use crab/lobster pot spinners, these are white plastic
material, figure of 8 construction and strong about 4 inches long and 1-1/2
inches wide. These are available from ships chandlers at fishing ports and cost
about 50 pence each, also in the same shops there are a variety of marine
plastic ropes any diameter and up to 200 metres in length, ideal for antenna
support work.
Antenna wire is available from electrical shops on
industrial estates at reasonable prices usually in 100 - 200 metre rolls.
I use insulated wire, various colours and usually 2.5 mm stranded although 1.5
mm up to 10 mm is usually available. This wire also makes good insulated
ground radials
Everything that a LF experimenter needs is readily
available and at the right price!!!
When you get tired of LF you will have enough wire
to go into the electrical wiring business, enough lobster pot spinners and
baskets to go fishing and enough rope to hang everyone that took a dislike to
you while LFing.
73 de Mal/G3KEV
Have fun de Mal/G3KEV