Dexter W4DEX,
Thanks for your efforts to receive ZL6QH on LF. We will have to work out
the path length.
For general information to all listensers, I can say that all went well at
ZL6QH from a transmission point of view, for all New Zealand hours of
darkness. I had a brief outage for 10 minutes, from 0730 UTC, but that was
before sunset last evening. I went QRT at 1600 UTC, an hour after local
For information on coding and absolute time, the timing of each Q was within
35 seconds of starting on the hour and every ten minutes after each hour. I
also consider my TCXO master oscillator controlled LF frequencies held
within 0.1 Hz of declared.
I had a two-way QSO on 40 metres with Steve VE7SL, but he got nil on LF, so
ZL6QH did not depart from the 120 second dot length all night.
73, Bob ZL2CA