Just to add fuel to the flames on this, today I carried out a
test on my loading coil/vario. on 73 KHz. Having been made big enough to
resonate on this band with a 300pF antenna if the main one (c.850pF)flies away,
there is quite a lot of it out of circuit at the hot end.
I have been leaving the top 60 or so turns open cct so far, so
this a.m. I shorted them.Result - antenna current dropped by 10%. on best
adjustment. Fully repeatable five times.
10% is what I would like as a pension increase
Comments ?
Having got the fuse blowing problem corrected, and played with
Argo a bit more I am looking forward to Tuesday. Will start calling around 0800z
on 71.75 plus or mius calibration error.