Hi Bob
I noticed in RF DESIGN a note on 'antenna coils' designed for RFID
applications at 125 kHz, and made of ferrite laminated on to a ceramic
with values to 8.1 mH. They are very small, 12 x 4 x 3 mm, and may not be
use for our purpose, but the "125 kHz" sort of jumped out at me, and I
thought I would mention it. The company has a website at
These will be fine for receive applications but are no use for transmitting
loading coils. The reason is that, with antennas so electrically small, the
potential gradient across the coil is very high. LF transmitting coils have
to be physically large for that reason.
Peter, G3LDO
e-mail <[email protected]>
Web <http://web.ukonline.co.uk/g3ldo>