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Re: LF: Re: 73k portable activity starting next weekend

To: "Ed Lesnichy" <[email protected]>, [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Re: 73k portable activity starting next weekend
From: "Ian Kyle" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 10:54:31 +0100
References: <005901c2f095$dda003c0$1b00a8c0@dellboy> <000801c2f0bd$4cc10ac0$c4d0fc3e@ian> <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Hi Ed, hi all,

   tnx e-mail. System down at the moment (coffee time -vy important!) while
struggling to improve antenna current. Work should be progressed enough for
QRV on both bands around 1800z if not earlier, and I will post when ready.
What my ERP is or will be, God alone knows, since I have just discovered
that the earth resistance test carried out by a supposed "expert" is
entirely a work of fiction based on what NIElectricity thought it might be
some years back - therefore any previous guesstimates can be considered to
be BLX.
Noise and general glop on 73 KHz vy bad indeed, and even MRF was getting
clobbered, so have been getting on with the joinery work rather than
watching since yesterday PM so that things should be complete for Tuesday AM
and a shot at the GRO/MBU xpedishun.
Nothing for it but to keep trying!


A very frustrated MI0AYZ

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