- LF: RE off band Jason, bernd grupe
- LF: RE off band Jason, bernd grupe
- LF: Re: RE off band Jason, Johan Bodin
- LF: RE off band Jason, James Moritz
- LF: SM6LKM Jason beacon QSY, Johan Bodin
- LF: Jason beacon now QRV QSY QRO,
Johan Bodin <=
- Re: LF: SM6LKM Jason beacon QSY, jannsen
- Re: LF: SM6LKM Jason beacon QSY, Johan Bodin
- LF: SM6LKM Jason beacon, Walter Blanchard
- LF: Re: SM6LKM Jason beacon, Johan Bodin
- Re: LF: Re: SM6LKM Jason beacon, Brian Rogerson
- LF: Re: G4JNT and SM6LKM Jason beacons, James Moritz
- Re: LF: Re: G4JNT and SM6LKM Jason beacons, Jay Rusgrove
- LF: Re: G4JNT and SM6LKM Jason beacons, Alberto di Bene
- LF: Re: Re: G4JNT and SM6LKM Jason beacons, John Andrews
- LF: Re: G4JNT and SM6LKM Jason beacons, Alberto di Bene