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LF: Cluser spots for 18/19th March

To: "rsgb_lf_group" <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: Cluser spots for 18/19th March
From: "Alan Melia" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 10:33:20 -0000
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Hi All, I have not been able to access my local custer for the last couple
of days so I am posting the spots forwarded to me by Wolf DL1SAN from DB0MBX

Mainly QRS monitoring from me this weekend the weather was too nice to spend
too much time inside. For most of the weekend the noise level seemed very
low, but activity only seemed to be at a moderate level, judged by the
traces on the waterfall display rather than by listening.
0820 G3XDV  CQ  'O'
0930 DF6NM  DFCW  'O' (KX) looking for X-band qsos
0945 DF6NM  QRS  CQX   'O'
I am sure the signal from Dick PA0SE on normal CW was stronger than I
normally receive him. He was almost as strong as John G4GVW who he was
working at 1038z, but I suppose he is a 'local' to me.

0731  HB2ASB  CQ  'O'
0802  ON4ZK  CQ 'O'
        DK8KW   CQX  'O'
        HB2ASB   CQ  'O'
0809  ON4ZK  DFCW  CQ
0825  DF8ZR  'O' wkg ON4ZK
        DK8KW  CQX  'O'
1002  PA2NJN  CQ  'O'
1045  PA2NJN  calling DF8ZR  both 'O'
1120  PA2NJN wkg  DF8ZR

Spots from Wolf DL1SAN from DB0MBX in Southern Germany
  136.5  DK6NI       19-Mar-2000 1025Z  cq 439
  136.4  DJ1RL       19-Mar-2000 0953Z  569
  136.5  DJ1ZB       19-Mar-2000 0935Z  559
  136.2  HB2ASB      19-Mar-2000 0826Z  579 cq
  136.5  SM6PXJ      17-Mar-2000 2242Z  (559) cq
  136.5  DJ9IE       16-Mar-2000 2023Z  549 cq
  136.7  G3AQC       15-Mar-2000 2107Z
  136.5  DJ9IE       13-Mar-2000 1859Z  449 cq

Cheers de Alan  G3NYK   JO02PB
[email protected]

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