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Re: LF: Re; 502.4kcs 10am, XIZ/XAQ/PDN/KEV...

To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: LF: Re; 502.4kcs 10am, XIZ/XAQ/PDN/KEV...
From: "Gw3UEP" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 00:21:23 +0100
Delivered-to: [email protected]
References: <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Thanks Chris - that explains it - I've hrd you wrkg split with Mal & wondered why - all now clear.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: LF: Re; 502.4kcs 10am, XIZ/XAQ/PDN/KEV...

My apologies . .
I have both vfo and xtal control (502.3 and 503.3) and can zero beat with my RIT.
I sometimes forget to switch from XO to VFO - :-(
In future I shall net on to the station I am calling to avoid difficulties.
73 Chris G3XIZ

Gw3UEP <[email protected]> wrote:
Thanks for all info.  Ray has  502.6 & 501.6 cc.
Suggest use two xtals if mixing - use divider with cer-res [to divide drift].
Beacon on 501.5 now - will lsn 502 shortly on off-chance - static low here, at present.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: LF: Re; 502.4kcs 10am, XIZ/XAQ/PDN/KEV...

Ah, but nobody said it was supposed to be easy :-)

Chris is always 300Hz HF of me. I think he has a DC transceiver,
possibly without TX offset.

Dunno whether Ray is rock bound or not. I suspect he is. I couldn't hear
him this morning at all but Chris/XIZ copied him OK. I'm hoping moving
the loading coil towards the tower and reducing its size will reduce
losses, stabilise the resonat frequency, and perhaps improve receive a

I'll try to hear you tomorrow at 6am, but if it keeps raining there is
little chance because my aerial shifts resonance down to 495KHz in the

I'm thinking of building a transceiver for 500K so I can net on other
stations and to free up my FT1000MP Mk5 for HF again. Rapid has xtals
and ceramic resonators that appear suitable. For example, xtals on 4.194
MHz and resonators on 3.69 (504KHz nominal difference). Another possible
pairing is 4.096 and 3.58 (516 difference). Both will need the ceramic
resonator pushed up a few KHz with a variable cap in series with the
nominal 20pF load, but I'm assuming that is not a big deal. The crystals
are only 20p each so filters should be inexpensive even if I need a
bucket load to get a set within 10% of the target IF bandwidth.



In message <003201c7a07b$39685970$2fc8e150@o>, Gw3UEP
<[email protected]> writes
>FB - that's what I thought, 502cc - Chris didn't net on to you - then Ray
>came up on 501.6 - gets complicated!
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Alan Ibbetson
>To: [email protected]
>Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 2:41 PM
>Subject: Re: LF: Re; 502.4kcs 10am, XIZ/XAQ/PDN/KEV...
>In message <000801c7a04b$32303540$b533f7c2@o>, Gw3UEP
><[email protected]> writes
>>No sign of Alan/XAQ - not certain of his freq, 502.00 or co-ch - ckd both.
>I'm crystal controlled on 502.0 KHz. If the weather improved during the
>coming week I'll be doing some aerial work which may help sigs. I need
>something to help reception here because I don't seem to hear as well as



Alan G3XAQ
[email protected]

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