Bob, Steve, Martin, Scott, Ed
If possible, any spare time that could be filled with "beacon" operation
would be greatly appreciated. East coast USA sunset 2230Z and sunrise
Thanks in advance for any transmissions.
Jay, W1VD
----- Original Message -----
From: "Vernall" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 4:08 AM
Subject: LF: ZM2E LF DX aspirations
Hi all,
ZM2E at Quartz Hill should be ready by sunset Tuesday 4 October to begin
QSO attempts with VA7LF and then RU6LA later in the night. The sunset
and sunrise sequence is as follows:
0626 UTC ZL sunset and the path becomes dark to VA7LF
1417 UTC VA7LF sunrise, so nearly 8 hours of dark path to ZL (path is
mostly north/south)
1453 UTC RU6LA sunset and the path becomes darl to ZL
1754 UTC ZL sunrise, so only 3 hours of dark path with RU6LA (path is
mostly east/west)
So there is time for a coffee break at ZM2E between each dark path.
Three successive nights are arranged so we can "try again" the next
night. The participants are agreed that they will not consider "carry
over" from a previous night, and any successful QSO will need to be
started and completed in the one night.
ZM2E will be using 137.7890/137.7886 kHz FSK and with dot length
selected at the time. VA7LF will use very similar frequencies and FSK.
RU6LA (and possibly a special call sign) may use either QRSS or FSK but
will be similar to ZM2E frequency. This means that third party
monitoring could see what they get from any or all particpants, and as a
compromise it may be best to set 60 second dot length as that is more
likely to be the QSO attempt rate than 120 seconds (the sun comes up too
73, Bob ZL2CA