----- Original Message -----
From: "John Andrews" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2004 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: LF: Trans Atlantic
Thanks for the reminder from the VE side. I now remember an earlier email
exchange on that subject. And I do agree with your caution in not straying
from the purpose of the grant.
I suppose the same argument could be made from elsewhere. Has anyone
the depths of U.K. officialdom on the subject of communicating with
non-Amateur services? Or is it best just to leave such things alone?
The problem is actually not with making the 2-way contact; it is with the
resulting publicity! If such news were confined to a small group of
experimenters, nothing would probably come from it.
John Andrews
Hi John and Group
My licence EI2AE says Experimenters Licence and not Radio Amateur Licence. I
expect all EI licences say the same.
Maybe it has been changed to accommodate recripocal licensing arrangements
with other countries that specify Radio Amateur Licence. The main point
being that anyone can interwork between EI and the rest of the world, so by
the same logic I do not think there would be a problem in the UK working an
experimental type station in the USA or elswhere.
The problem might be at your end if it specifically states only inter PART
15 contacts.
So you take a chance or you dont!!!!!!!! If we were all closed down would
it make that much difference!!
de Mal/G3KEV