"Ground Conductivity Test" is from the ARRL Antenna Handbook...
The book I have is from 1994....and it is on page 27-35 that's chapter 27
page 35........
Conductivity Soil, Measurement of....
It takes 4 rods.......9/16" diameter and 14 inches long these 4 rods are
driven into the ground 18 inches apart in a straight line......drive them in 12
One side of the 120 AC line to a 100 watt light bulb...the other side of the
bulb to a 14.6 ohm resistor.........they say to make up the resistor by
paralleling 5 of them...3 of which are 68 ohm 1 watt....the other 2 are 82 ohm 1
watt......then the other end of the resistor goes to rod #1 .......the other
side of the AC line goes to the farthest rod.....
You now have two AC voltage test points......V1 is across the resistor. V2 is
voltage measured between rods #2 and #3.....
In general these two voltages they say should be from 2 to 10 volts......
Formula for calculation is......
C = 21 x V1/V2
This gives you the Millisiemens per meter
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 5:35
To All from PA0SE
Mike, G3XDV,
I think this is why people are confused. I believe that Dick
"system loss", which includes all
losses except inductor loss. Calling it
"earth resistance" simplifies the
situation too much. Plainly a wet
environment will increase