Over the last few years there have been several discussions on how to
increase activity on 136kHz and 73kHz.
There is some activity every weekend. In half an hour this morning, I heard
three new calls: DL9EIE (I had a partial QSO), F6CHT and DK7SA? (neither
replied to my call) and I made a QRSS3 CQ. However, there is an increase
whenever something interesting happens, such as an expedition - the most
recent being a lot of QRSS activity connected with the UA6 expedition.
It is necessary to generate local activity so that new listeners have
something strong to hear, and DX activity so that experienced operators have
something interesting to work. It is also important to activate 73kHz in its
final year.
I suggest the following for the 2002-2003 winter season:
1) One day / weekend each month to be devoted to crossband with HF
2) One morning each month to be devoted to 73kHz activity, with listener
3) Two dates (in December and February?) to be called LF Field Days, where
portable operation (or operation from the QTHs of non-LF operators) is
4) Two dates to be devoted to 73kHz crossband activity (QSX 136kHz or
5) Local QSOs to be encouraged by a competition (probably just for fun)
where operators try to work stations whose callsign ends with each of the 26
letters of the alphabet (G3MBA, ON6VB, F5CDC . . . GW4KDZ). This should
allow quite small stations to be very popular with competitors and might
lead to people being encouraged to come on the band. The competition to last
from 1 December to 30 April. I stole this idea from another amateur radio
group, I think it was QRP. The advantage or using the last letter is that
everyone is potentially an exotic station.
6) All of the following to be publicised in AR magazines, newsgroups, etc,
to ensure maximum support from inside and outside the LF community.
Any thoughts?
Mike, G3XDV