Hi Joe and all
I decided to stay up last night and look for you on
137.777 khz.
Your signal became visible about 0155 utc sending
VO1NA, solid 000 copy here, duration 0155/0212. I took a couple of shots for
verification and will send you a copy direct if required. Your signal was last
observed at 0456 utc, still OOO copy.
I was using my vertical antenna I could
probably have copied your signal at a higher speed say 3 or 10 sec
If you can work 7030 khz cw for talk back at the
same time as your are transmitting on LF we could try different speeds and also
have a two way QSO on 136 khz.
VE1ZJ/John was able to copy me a while back on
137 khz at QRS 3, solid copy.
73 and GL de