Re 706s,
I have found my nice new IC 706GII to be a dead duck for 73 KHz receive.
I agree with Mike that it is usable on 136 with a bit of assistance, but not
on the lower band.
Not hearing much on one band and *!*!*! all in the other, I decided to do a
proper test. If anyone is interested, the CW 10dB S+N/N in the narrow filter
(270Hz) checked using a TF2008 sig.gen. (admittedly not recently calibrated
but within a dB or so against a known source) at the two frequencies was -
136 KHz 10uV p.d.
73 KHz 83uV p.d.
Now unless I happen to have a particularly dud sample, it would seem that
there is a pretty good HPF in there.
Due to circumstances beyond my control (building works to provide a 'boys
dorm' for visiting grandsons and a home for the dispossessed shack/computer
suite/workshop in a new 'west wing') it will be at least November before
regular transmissions can be made on LF, but I do intend to keep the promise
I made earlier this year. The only good thing to come out of all the
excavation and general flapdoodle is that I got a five leg earth mat down
under the founds of the extension.
73 de,