Hi John and Dex,
Many thanks for the pics.
John I am pretty convinced about the A, both in terms of the element length
and the freq shift, the Q is more difficult however, there is a bit of the
following C in the right place,so I guess the signal is there . What a shame
you don't have a later version of Argo with 90 or 120 sec dots.
Dex ,there is certainly something going on at 401.2/3 but not enough to
recognise. I didn't time the start of my tramission so can' t help there. I
will make a note tonight.
For information my dot (element) length is 120 secs the inter-element gap 50
secs, no gap between dots/dashes of course.
Will transmit again tonight from about 22:30 utc.
73s Laurie