Hi Markus the output power of CFH is supposed to be 25kW into an 80%
efficient aerial system (my 20kW erp estimate) Reg, G4FGQs program
GROUNDWAV3 gives a spreading loss of 62.5dB when I add your estimate of 8dB
for the 200km of poor ground I get an estimate of 290uV/m at John's site ??
This is a lot closer that I would have expected.
Cheers de Alan G3NYK
----- Original Message -----
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: 21 November 2004 22:44
Subject: LF: Estimating CFH's radiated power
Dear John and group,
ok, I'll try...
One kilowatt EMRP across 700 km of lossless flat earth would give
109.6 - 20 log (697) dBµV/m = 52.6 dBµV/m.