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LF: DX Cluster spots for Easter weekend at GB7DXM

To: "rsgb_lf_group" <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: DX Cluster spots for Easter weekend at GB7DXM
From: "Alan Melia" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 21:36:19 +0100
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Hi All, very thin for spots this weekend, I guess it was a family weekend.I
copied a very nice QRS CQ from Petr OK1FIG at 1202 on Sunday (even the
keying glitch sending "OK1UEIG") I thought it was more company for Petr at
first. Despite a solid signal he got no replies to 2 cqs as far as I heard.
heard a very good QRS signal from Dave /P in GM on Sunday evening. He seemed
to be working well on Monday morning at hand speeds. It occurs to me that
Dave's GM location would be quite a good site for transatlantic signals,
having almost completely water path from the West of Scotland to Canada. If
I can copy 10mW QRSS (40 sec dots) from Marco over the Alps and over France
at 900kms..........

I saw Valerio's call-sign (IK5ZPV) as he was worked by Marcus DF6NM on QRS
I think (Mon abt 1030z I was not taking too much notice at the time) though
I did not see a signal from Valerio this time.

I also remember hearing DF0WD, DJ9IE, PA0BWL, ON7YD, MM0ALM, G6RO and G4GVC
pounding out of the speaker at various times over the holiday.

Cluster spots:-
  136.9  PA0BWL      24-Apr-2000 1121Z  549 cq
  136.8  DF7VX       23-Apr-2000 0856Z  549
  136.8  DF7VX       23-Apr-2000 0856Z  549
  137.0  DF0WD       22-Apr-2000 0913Z
  137.2  G3GRO       16-Apr-2000 1541Z  on 71.8 kHz 569 qsx 137.25
G3NYK de GB7DXM   24-Apr 1949>
Cheers de Alan G3NYK JO02PB
[email protected]

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