From Derek Atter
After the very successful LF Forum at the RSGB Windsor HF Convention in the
UK last October, it was suggested that there may be support for a similar
follow-up session in about 6 months time - i.e. about mid-way between HF
Conventions. The Crawley Amateur Radio Club volunteered to host such a
meeting at their clubhouse in Tilgate Forest and a provisional date of 13th
May 2001 was suggested at the time
We were about to post a general invitation on the reflector but
unfortunately owing to the current problem with foot and mouth disease in
some areas of the UK, Tilgate Forest has just been closed to the general
public as a precaution in order to protect the children's zoo and the wild
deer which roam free in the forest. Since the CARC clubhouse is located
right on the edge of the forest and we have been instructed to keep access
the club premises to a minimum for the time being. Regretfully therefore the
Club committee have to withdraw the offer to host the event for this year.
73, de Derek Atter G3GRO on behalf of Crawley
Amateur Radio Club