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LF: Slow CW test.

To: "RSGB LF_Group" <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: Slow CW test.
From: "Des Kostryca" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 20:45:14 -0700
Importance: Normal
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Greetings all,

  Following a very successful morning on LF I am hoping to make the most of
my spare time and build on this success further. Peter (DF3LP) kindly
offered to listen out for my call providing I send very slowly.

I intend to start sending Wednesday morning at about 05:15 utc. Speed will
be at one word per minute and the message I propose to send has been timed
at 10 mins. I will send initially at normal speed as is normal practice to
confirm callsign etc then switch to scw. I will leave about thirty second
gap then repeat the whole message again in scw. The whole transmission
should take around 20 mins.

If the proposed test is likely to cause anyone on the list a problem and/or
I am missing something fundamental please let me know, I certainly do not
wish to upset anyone. Please note that I am not fully equipped for two way
scw as yet and this is intended as a one way experiment. Should anyone wish
to contact me (normal speed cw) I will be on or around 137kHZ from about
06:00 utc. I shall check my mail again this evening at around 22:00 utc
should anyone wish to respond via the list.

Many thanks and 73's,


Des Kostryca (M0AYF)  G.Q.R.P. no. 9788
I.A.R.U.  loc.  IO93OJ  W.A.B.  SK89
Member of the N.B.T.V.A.

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