----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed Lesnichy" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: 19 January 2004 11:45
Subject: LF: RU6LA acty
Dear LF-enthusiasts!
Some conclusions from last acty: the propagation was very unstable on
a distance up to 3000km at the night but for me there was by a surprise
a very good and stable propagation to daytime (Jan 18)
Hi Ed, I guess I was a bit too optimistic. The geomagnetic condition
continued to be unsettled (Kp=4) and precipitate electrons into the D-layer.
The result was to "top-up" a "reflecting" daytime layer at about 50kms,
giving enhanced daytime propagation, but at night, persistant ionisation
gave absorption, limiting levels but with fairly short period deep fading. I
have a plot from Brian from the 17th that displays this. The daytime
enhancement between DCF39 and CT1 was 10dB higher than average at 1200z.
Brian's daytime signal from DCF39 is by skywave and on average is some 20dB
above the groundwave signal at about mid-day. It normally needs a major
geomag storm in the summer to give enhancement of of 10dB on top of this in
Thanks for your efforts
Regards de Alan G3NYK
[email protected]