Hi Alan, Group,
Interesting article about BBC R4 LW.
Does the fact that there are multiple transmitters on this frequency have
any bearing on those who might use the 198kHz signal as a propagation
indicator outside of the UK ?
Presumably the interference pattern ("mush area") extends way beyond our
shores, and someone monitoring, say in the 'States might receive a weak
signal, not because there was no propagation, but because the two
transmitters happened to be in cancellation.
I assume the signals that we might use for reference, such as DCF39, have
only one source.
Hugh M0WYE
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Melia" <[email protected]>
To: "LF-Group" <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 3:57 PM
Subject: LF: BBC R4 LW "Frequency Standard"
Hi All, I have posted the latest DTI Time & Frequency Club Newsletter to
web site. It contains a short description of the frequency control of the
BBC Radio 4 Longwave transmitters on 198kHz, together with details of the
phase modulation data service it also carries on the carrier. This will be
interesting information for those of you who, like me, may have a 198kHz
off-air standard in your workshop.
Download of the 68kB pdf file is available from the link in the contents
section on the index page.
Cheers de Alan G3NYK
[email protected]