I never use HTML deliberately but this one slipped through by virtue of the
'reply in same format' check box being ticked. I would like to blame
Microsoft for having too many options, but......
Text of message follows again .. this time in plain text in case it was
HTML garbage for others as well!
For your info, both your messages re measuring field strength did make it to
the reflector.
In case anyone wants to use the measurement method you outlined with an
SLMS, but at other than 137 kHz, the relationship including the frequency
term is as follows:
Loop induced emf(volts) = 2*pi*(field strength in v/m)*(loop area in sq.
metres)* (loop turns)/wavelength.
Which for the single turn untuned circular loop case you quoted, can be
simplified to;
Loop induced emf (microvolts) = 16.449*freq(kHz)*loopdia(m)*loopdia(m)*field
Ref: Terman, "Radio Engineering", Section 11, Para 18.