I listened on QRSS on the mornings of 1st,2nd and 3rd September with my
loop pointing south east in case Valerio decided to continue his tests.
Nothing was heard of him unfortunately. Friday morning was a good morning
with low levels of QRN, a good 'O' QRSS signal heard from Geri DK8KW at
0700Z. A strong signal was heard from Mal G3KEV at 1025Z working G6RW on
136.9kHz at normal speed.
I was not active on Saturday.
Sunday was also quiet, ON4ZK was heard with a QRS cq at 0705Z a good 'O',
and Geri again at 0807Z QRS 'O'. Geri later worked an '8ZR, I believe, I
couldn't hear the other station (or rather see it on the screen). Geri was
due to test on PSK31 starting at 0800Z but I was due to go out, so I left
FFTDSP4 running. Geri was running lower power than he normally does on QRS
but his carrier was well readable on the waterfall and test sidebands with a
spacing of about 30Hz were clear. When Geri started to send PSK test
transmissions the waterfall looked like a narrow 'snowstorm'. Unfortunately
I was unable to run the decode software, because at this strength it would
be a good test the ability of PSK31 to combat the noise. I look forward to
other opportunities to try PSK31 on 136khz.
Dx Cluster spots for this weekend
137.0 DL3FDO 4-Sep-1999 1349Z CQ CQ 529 in JN38VS
136.5 DL3FDO 3-Sep-1999 1524Z cq cq .... rst 429 in jo40
136.9 G3KEV 1-Sep-1999 1719Z cq (539
136.9 G3KEV 31-Aug-1999 2130Z (549)
G3NYK de GB7DXM 5-Sep 1553Z >
1800.0 DL3FDO 29-Aug-1999 0737Z 449 on 136.7
G3NYK de GB7DXM 5-Sep 1556Z >
2000.0 DL3FDO 4-Sep-1999 1348Z 137.0 CQ CQ 529 in JN38VS <F5MLP>
2000.0 OE5EEP/5 29-Aug-1999 0742Z 136,3 kHz
G3NYK de GB7DXM 5-Sep 1558Z >
Cheers de Alan G3NYK
[email protected]