Hi All,
FB Larry! Please continue the experiments. It is essential to learn the
propagation paterns and fading phenomena. I would like to take a look at one
of your .WAV files.
For the record:
In the Netherlands DCF39 is S9+50dB. The strongest German stations located
near DCF can make signals at a level near S9! This indicating a relative ERP
level of approx. -50dB. At the 21dB above noise from DCF39 in Canada we can
estimate the Radio Amateurs at 29dB BELOW! noise level. If DCF is monitored
already at minimum bandwith and with maximum noise reducing techniques i am
afraid we still have to figure out how to dig deep into the noise and detect
the signals.
Who has experience with <-29dB to noise level signal identification?
CoherentCW, PSK, SlowCW, dedicated DSP algotithms? There are lock-in
amplifiers using similar techniques maybe we can benifit there.
Best 73's and gl on lf
Michael Sanders, PA3BSH
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]namens
Larry Kayser
Verzonden: zaterdag 12 februari 2000 2:18
Aan: [email protected]
Onderwerp: LF: DCF39 now 21 db above the noise!
Greetings All:
As I write this DCF39 is 21 dB over the noise here in Eastern Ontario.
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