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RE: LF: RE: 500 kHz license refused in the Netherlands

To: <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: LF: RE: 500 kHz license refused in the Netherlands
From: "John W Gould" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 16:43:00 +0100
Delivered-to: [email protected]
Importance: Normal
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Dick, that sounds positive, but the critical thing with be whether your
radio agency will state at the WRC preparatory meeting later this month in
Amsterdam (I believe) any support for the BNetzA proposal.  

The key thing with all countries in Region 1 is not the national societies
endorsement, but getting the country's radio regulator/agency's up-front
agreement publicly stated to endorse the BNetzA proposal.  I don't think
that any national society is against the proposal to have a band at 500kHz,
the issue is to get the matter discussed within the formal agenda at

73 John, G3WKL

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Dick Rollema
Sent: 14 May 2007 08:50
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: RE: 500 kHz license refused in the Netherlands

Dear John,

I passed your message on to Sjoerd Ypma, PA0SHY, VERON HF manager.

His reply, confirming your note,  is as follows (in my translation): Quote.
Dick, within the HF committee of R1 a lobby is going on to get 500 
kHz on the agenda of the IARU conference 2008.
Next will be tried to get the item on the agemda of the WRC. I expect 
our radio agency waits for an official decision before issuing 
licences for 500 kHz. We, as VERON, have supported the lobby of 
Germany and other countries.

I hope I may live to see that happen (now 77...).

73, Dick, PA0SE

At 12:09 12-5-2007, you wrote:
>Dick, sorry to hear that, but in a way it's understandable.
>Can I suggest that you contact Sioerd, PA0SHY, VERON HF Manager, and 
>bring his attention to the posting by Ulrich, DK4VW, DARC HF Manager, 
>on the IARU Region 1 HF Manager's reflector asking for support for the 
>proposal by BNetzA (The German Administration) to have the matter of an 
>Amateur band at 600m put on the agenda for WRC2011. The BNetzA paper 
>can be downloaded from the HF Manager's reflector's files folder.
>BNetZA are looking for other national administrations to support their 
>proposal at the final WRC07 preparatory meeting later this month.  
>Ulrich, DK4VW, DARC HF Manager has done much of the work on encouraging 
>the BNetzA to put forward this proposal and is looking for the support 
>of other national society HF Managers to contact their licensing 
>administration and give BNetzA their support.  It's my understanding 
>that Ofcom (UK) and the Greek PTT have so far pledged to support this 
>The workings of WRC are quite complex and seem slow. Before one can get 
>anything agreed one has to get the issue put on the agenda and normally 
>to have completed some studies.  Whilst the agenda for the WRC2011 was 
>set in outline a few years ago, there is a formal agenda item at WRC07 
>to consider any last minute additions to the agenda.  To get the matter 
>of a 600m Amateur Band onto the agenda for WRC2011 has been the main 
>focus of activity by the IARU Region 1 500kHz Working Group and is 
>supported by representatives from Regions 2 and 3.  The work of the 
>three beacons, the US and more recently UK experimental access all 
>contributes knowledge that might be seen as "studies"; certainly we 
>will be drawing together findings on propagation and harmonisation with 
>other co- and adjacent-band users.
>Others reading this e-mail might consider trying to get their national 
>administration to support the call for this being an agenda item at 
>WRC2011. If so the best action is to contact your national society (HF 
>Manager) and see if they are taking the appropriate action.  I will be 
>happy to provide contact details if these are not know; please send me 
>a direct e-mail if this is required ([email protected]).
>73 John, G3WKL
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [email protected]
>[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Dick Rollema
>Sent: 10 May 2007 09:45
>To: LF-Group
>Subject: LF: 500 kHz license refused in the Netherlands
>To All from PA0SE,
>Our radio agency just has informed me that my application for 
>permission to use the 500 kHz band has been refused. The arguments are:
>1. The band has not internationally been allocated as an amateurband
>and also not in The Netherlands
>2. The band is still being used for emergency, urgent and safety traffic.
>It has therefore been decided that for the time being the band will not 
>be available for experiments by amateurs.
>A disappointing decision, but I had more or less expected this knowing 
>how our agency operates.
>73, Dick, PA0SE

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