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LF: Re: Wellbrook ALA-1530 active loop

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Re: Wellbrook ALA-1530 active loop
From: "Alan Melia" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 18:14:49 +0100
Delivery-date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 18:31:35 +0100
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Hi Alberto, well the guys on the AOR 7030 group seem to rate it as well, but
what are they comparing it with ?? that is the question. Surely there is not
much secret in loops these days, but when I looked at some of these aerials
I found that there were no definitive measurements.

I made a passive 4 turn shielded loop out of RG-58 about 20cms diam a few
years worked well but it was 26dB down on a wire on 160m. I
received Halifax NS on 2182 kHz.  It all depends on your location and local
noises.  The Wellbrook stuff looks nice but seems expensive for what it is
to me.....but then I am mean when it comes to aerials and I begrudge giving
all the fun to someone else, for something you could probably make for
coppers.(centi-euros ??)

Have you seen the preamp circuit that was in "Lowdown" this month. That uses
"noiseless" feedback and a push-pull second stage. Intended for an E-field
probe I think, but an interesting circuit.

Cheers de Alan G3NYK

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alberto di Bene" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: 21 October 2005 15:01
Subject: LF: Wellbrook ALA-1530 active loop

Has anybody reverse-engineered the Wellbrook ALA-1530 active
loop antenna ? Is the schematic available anywhere ?
It has gained an excellent rating from the WRTH review.

73  Alberto  I2PHD

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