Hi all, I now have a set of manuals for the above units (Originals from
Cooke Int.) and I would not have believed the tracking of the PS-12 was as
simple as connecting a patch between the two marked BNCs on the back panels.
Magic !!
Now, does anyone use the WZ-6 (WobbelZender ??) and if so what exactly does
it do? I am presuming it must provide a swept signal for the PS12 to lock
to, and time constant switching, depending on sweep speed and retrace etc..
It seems unlikely I shall find one of these, but I might have a go a
building something to work over a limited range. I already have the Return
Loss Attachment (RFZ-12) so I am well on the way to an LF Scalar Network
Analyser set up.
The PS-12 can be 'soft' keyed through one of the DIN conectors so it would
act as an LF transceiver !! Its a "little bit" bigger than a '706 though !!
you need plenty of room in the shack for that combo.
Cheers de Alan G3nyk
[email protected]