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References: [ +subject:/^(?:^\s*(re|sv|fwd|fw)[\[\]\d]*[:>-]+\s*)*VLF\:\s+Carrier\s+on\s+8270\.00709\s+Hz\s*$/: 14 ]

Total 14 documents matching your query.

1. VLF: Carrier on 8270.00709 Hz (score: 1)
Author: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2017 16:26:36 -0230 (NDT)
Testing the coil amp and dds in anticipation of experimentation this fall and winter. 8 uW. Unfortunately it is undisciplined so QRG is +- a few ppb until the NE0-7M gps module arrives. 73 Joe VO1NA
/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-08/msg00132.html (10,535 bytes)

2. Re: VLF: Carrier on 8270.00709 Hz (score: 1)
Author: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2017 20:19:11 -0230 (NDT)
Off at ~1600 utc today. The coils did not pass the test and the operator did not find the shorted turns... Joe VO1NA Testing the coil amp and dds in anticipation of experimentation this fall and wint
/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-08/msg00158.html (11,091 bytes)

3. Re: VLF: Carrier on 8270.00709 Hz (score: 1)
Author: Paul Nicholson <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2017 17:24:55 +0000 That's two daytime signals, 25th and 26th 10:00 to 20:00, combined coherently, bin width is 27.8 uHz. S/N of the combined days is 16.0 dB. Adding the two days n
/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-08/msg00163.html (12,399 bytes)

4. Re: VLF: Carrier on 8270.00709 Hz (score: 1)
Author: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2017 17:34:34 -0230 (NDT)
I didn't think anyone was listening -- many thanks Paul. The module is expected to arrive soon and new halyards are in place. It should be an interesting autumn. 73 Joe VO1NA Testing the coil amp and
/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-08/msg00165.html (12,216 bytes)

5. Re: VLF: Carrier on 8270.00709 Hz (score: 1)
Author: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 17:08:28 -0230 (NDT)
On again 8 uW but still undisciplined. 73 Joe VO1NA
/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-08/msg00166.html (11,071 bytes)

6. RE: VLF: Carrier on 8270.00709 Hz (score: 1)
Author: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2017 16:07:06 -0400
Wow! Paul, do these results meet your standard criteria for confirmation? 73, Jim AA5BW That's two daytime signals, 25th and 26th 10:00 to 20:00, combined coher
/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-08/msg00176.html (12,713 bytes)

7. Re: VLF: Carrier on 8270.00709 Hz (score: 1)
Author: Paul Nicholson <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2017 00:09:13 +0000
Barely. There was some cheating at my end. Because the frequency is not known exactly I had to do some fiddling to add the two days. The fiddle was to rotate the phase to align the phases of the two
/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-09/msg00001.html (11,271 bytes)

8. Re: VLF: Carrier on 8270.00709 Hz (score: 1)
Author: Markus Vester <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2017 08:56:11 -0400
/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-09/msg00004.html (11,008 bytes)

9. Re: VLF: Carrier on 8270.00709 Hz (score: 1)
Author: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2017 07:32:55 -0230 (NDT)
Today the aerial was disconnected at 0950 utc as a precaution with lightning in the forecast. The carrier had been on during the solar flare. Good luck on VLF Jack VA7JX. Edge wound coils are expedie
/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-09/msg00048.html (10,075 bytes)

10. Re: VLF: Carrier on 8270.00709 Hz (score: 1)
Author: Paul Nicholson <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2017 11:19:14 +0000
Here's a non-coherent average over 8 days of 10:00 to 20:00 Impossible to do coherent sum with this many days, without GPS frequency lock. Not bad for 8uW ERP b
/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-09/msg00049.html (11,007 bytes)

11. Re: VLF: Carrier on 8270.00709 Hz (score: 1)
Author: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2017 09:40:47 -0230 (NDT)
This is amazing, Paul. To copy < 0.00001 watts across the pond with the carrier drifting about is an amazing feat. The daytime signal is used because more atmospheric noise is propagated at night? Un
/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-09/msg00050.html (10,905 bytes)

12. Re: VLF: Carrier on 8270.00709 Hz (score: 1)
Author: DK7FC <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2017 01:36:45 +0200
Hi Joe, Just as an inspiration for a VLF coil design, here's an image of the first coil of a stackable set of coils for VLF: I just finishe
/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-09/msg00056.html (12,952 bytes)

13. Re: VLF: Carrier on 8270.00709 Hz (score: 1)
Author: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2017 14:16:53 -0230 (NDT)
Hi Stefan, Your sliding bucket VLF coil is making me envious. Markus uses this method as well. I am using the pies configuration and limiting my current to 1/4 amp to prevent high voltage problems. A
/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-09/msg00066.html (14,249 bytes)

14. Re: VLF: Carrier on 8270.00709 Hz (score: 1)
Author: DK7FC <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 12:51:30 +0200
Hi Joe, As Jacek told, there are of course several more distributors for that module, not just amazon. Try to find another source and you will have it in a few days. Maybe it will be a bit more expen
/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-09/msg00069.html (13,702 bytes)

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